Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany, Minister of Tourism Rania Al-Mashat
and 11 ambassadors to Egypt toured a number of antiquities sites in Minya on
Friday. Written By/ Nevine El-Aref.
Tel El-Amarna they visited the tombs of Panehsi and Mery Re, two of the top
officials in the reign of king Akhenaten, which feature notable wall paintings.
paintings depict scenes showing the visit of Akhenaten, his wife Queen
Nefertiti and their daughters to Aten Temple, as well as scenes showing them
worshipping Aten and distributing offerings to the people.

are 39 tombs at the site, four of which are open to the public. During the
tour, El-Enany announced the opening of a fifth tomb, which features wonderful
last stop in the tour was the under-construction Aten museum on the banks of
the Nile in Minya city, where El-Enany inspected recent construction work.

November 2018, Germany’s parliament agreed to grant Egypt 10 million euros to
help in the completion of the third and fourth phases.
The museum relates the story of the monotheistic Akhenaten, who was one of the most important pharaohs in ancient Egypt.
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