minister was accompanied by Mostafa Waziri, General Secretary of the Supreme
Council of Antiquities, Mamdouh Gurab, Governor of Sharqiya, and a group of a
dozen foreign ambassadors to Egypt from Brazil, Lithuania, Congo, Greece,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, and other attaches.
explained that the project aims to lift the monumental blocks, reliefs,
columns, statues, and stelae laying on the sand at the site and to restore and
re-erect them onto concrete slabs to protect them for future generations. The
artifacts have been laying on sands since their discovery in the 19th century.

most important objects that the mission restored and re-erected are the
northern and southern colossi of King Ramses II, which had been left on the
ground in pieces since its discovery in the 19th century, along with two
obelisks and two columns of the King Ramses II era. San
Al-Hagar boasts many monumental relics and is one of the country’s largest and
most impressive sites, causing Egyptologists to dub it the “Luxor of the
the 21st and 22nd dynasties, Tanis was a royal necropolis housing the tombs of
the Pharaohs as well as nobles and military leaders. Pierre
Montet’s excavations between the 1920s and 1950s were the most important
carried out at Tanis. Montet
put an end to the enigma of the identification of the site, as some
Egyptologists saw Tanis as Pi-Ramses, while others suggested that it was the
ancient Avaris.

“This discovery was not
recognised in the way that the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922 was
recognised because of the outbreak of World War II,” Waziri said. Among the
tombs that were uncovered were those of the Pharaohs Psusennes I, Amenemonpe,
Osorkon II and Sheshonq III.
site houses large number of tombs and temples among the largest is the one
dedicated to god Amun. It also houses the Temples of deities Mut and Khonsu and
Horus along with a collection of obelisks, columns and colossi of King Ramses
II. In
December 2017, the ministry launched a comprehensive rescue project to restore
Tanis and to develop the site into an open-air museum of Ancient Egyptian art.