of the rock inscriptions date from the Predynastic Period (4,000-3,500BC) Written By/ Nevine

inscriptions range in date from the early Predynastic Period, which spanned
approx. 4,000 to 3,500 BC, through to the Old Kingdom (approx. 2,686 BC to 2181
BC). The
village of El-Khawy is located approximately 7km north of the ancient city of
Elkab and 60km south of Luxor.
Afifi, head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Section at the ministry
explained that the site is composed of several panels of rock art and
inscriptions which include some of the earliest—and largest—signs from the
formative stages of the hieroglyphic script, and provides evidence for how the
ancient Egyptians invented their unique writing system.
Abu ElAzem, head of the Central Department of Upper Egypt Antiquities,
described the discovery as important because it helps in understanding the
development of a system of graphic communication, which sets the stage for the
appearance of true hieroglyphic writing in Upper Egypt in approx. 3,250 BC.

continued that the mission also discovered a panel of four signs, written right
to left (the dominant writing direction in later Egyptian texts) featuring a
bull’s head on a short pole, followed by two back-to-back saddle bill storks
with a bald ibis above and between them. This panel is one of the largest yet
discovered from Dynasty 0.
continues that rock art in the Eastern and Western deserts of Egypt
demonstrates that ancient artists often interacted with earlier
images—clustering similar images or images with related meanings on the same
rock surface.
the last phase of the Predynastic Period, rock art and other objects from the
Nile Valley could use images to express concepts, such as the saddle bill stork
with a serpent beneath its beak meaning “victory.”

team of archaeologists located these inscriptions by mapping out routes based
on road networks in Egypt. Most rock inscriptions in Egypt, Darnell said, are
not randomly placed; they are placed along major roads, either roads that
parallel the Nile or roads that head out into the desert. They are usually at a
juncture or crossroads. “Any place where someone might pause in their journey,”
said Darnell.
a new recording technique pioneered at Yale, Darnell and Alberto Urcia, a
digital archaeologist and associate research scientist in the Department of
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, created a series of 3D images of the
inscriptions from photographs taken in the field.
new technology makes it possible to record sites at a level of accuracy and
detail that was absolutely impossible before,” said Darnell. “It
also means that we can record the site as a place, or a location, and not just
as a series of inscriptions.” “This
was not what I was expecting to find when I set out on this period of work on
the expedition,” said Darnell. “It was completely shocking to me.”