technology is being used to document the Esna Temple south of Luxor and the
Tanis archaeological site in the Delta. Written By/ Nevine El-Aref.

of the ADC Hisham Al-Leithi told Al-Ahram Weekly that the documentation of the
Esna Temple had started in 1993 but had stopped due to the high level of
subterranean water that had leaked inside the temple and the beginnings of the
restoration work
whole project to document all the archaeological sites in Egypt was also
stopped in the aftermath of the 25 January Revolution due to budgetary problems.
Al-Leithi said that the ministry had resumed the documentation project earlier
this year and had started with the Esna Temple and the Tanis site.

actual documentation methods will consist of computer-data sets, plans and
sections, as well as photographs, drawings and illustrations, recording forms,
logbooks, site notebooks, diaries and dive logs,” Al-Leithi said. He added that
GIS systems, 3D reconstructions, applications that support on-site recording
processes, modern measuring techniques and data-processing software used in
geophysical research would also be used.

the ancient Egyptian Middle Kingdom, Esna was an important centre for trade, as
it was the focal point of trading convoys from Sudan going to Thebes. During
the Graeco-Roman period, Esna was called Latopolis in honour of the Nile perch
that was worshipped there. In 1971, a necropolis dedicated to the Nile perch
was uncovered west of the town.

temple is dedicated to the god of the Nile, as well as other deities such as
the ancient goddess of war and weaving Neith, god of magic Heka, goddess of the
Nile Satet, and the lion goddess Menhet.

masonry blocks attesting to the construction during the reign of Thutmose III
were reused at the site, and the oldest complete part of the temple is the back
wall of the hypostyle hall, built during the Ptolemaic period and showing
scenes depicting Ptolemy VI Philometer and Ptolemy VIII Euergetes.

Texts describing the religious festival that once took place at the temple and depicting Roman emperors standing before ancient Egyptian deities are also inscribed on the pillars.
the northern wall of the hall, the pharaoh is depicted catching wild birds or
conquering evil spirits. The decorations also include a number of calendars,
while the ceiling is decorated with Egyptian astronomical figures on the
northern side and Roman zodiacal signs on the southern side.... READ MORE.
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