Egyptian-French mission at the Tell el-Samara site in the Delta governorate of
Daqahliya has recently uncovered one of the oldest villages ever discovered in
the Nile Delta. Written By/ Nevine El-Aref.

only other settlement discovered so far from the Neolithic period is the town
of Sais, which was excavated by the Egyptian Exploration Society. The
significant amount of data collected at Tell el-Samara since 2015 provide a unique
opportunity to gain a better knowledge of the prehistoric societies living in
Lower Egypt a thousand years before the 1st dynasty. From the pottery and
artefacts found at the site, researchers believe that communities settled in
the wetlands of the Nile Delta as early as the end of the 5th millennium BC.
Ashmawi, the head of the ancient Egyptian antiquities sector, told Ahram Online
that the mission has also discovered a dozen silos containing a sizable
quantity of animal bones and botanical remains, which will allow for scientists
to study the subsistence strategies of these populations.
also said that the analyses of these organic remains will use cutting-edge
technologies and, in conjunction with uncovering the unexcavated areas in the seasons
to come, will definitely provide critical insights on the first populations of
the Nile Delta, as well as providing insight into the origins of agriculture
and husbandry in Egypt.
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